Soundproofing your home from the outside!

Soundproofing a house can be an overwhelming task especially in area with lots of noise from traffic, parks, or the local college party town on Friday night. You’ve perhaps put up soundproof curtains and made sure the house is blocking the noise from the outside but it just isn’t enough. If you live in an apartment there really isn’t much you can do outside to help. However if you live in your own house you may have a few more options available to you. Take a moment today and review the information below on some ideas to help soundproof your home even more!



The first option that’s often over looked is Trees and Bushes! Trees not only provide shade on a summer’s day but also can also help reduce that noise by quite a bit. Other quick benefits include more privacy and beautifies your yard. While pine trees or massive oak trees will do the best it may not be the best available because they block the view of the front yard and street. They may also take over your yard in time! Pine trees can get quite massive in 5-10 years that it may even surprise you. If you don’t wish to do upkeep on these you may want to look at other options. However the upkeep may not be too much if you have only a few trees. At the same time bushes may not do as much since they are lower to the ground but they do still help absorb and stop some of the noise coming in. Remember that the more you have in the way between you and where the sound is coming from the less you’ll hear!

Don’t forget you need to follow rules on where you can and can’t plant trees and always call your local electric company before you dig! You don’t want a small project become a road hazard or cause yourself some injuries.



FenceAnother option you have is a fence and this can help out quite a bit if its built quite high. With a solid wooden fence between your house and the road you’re almost in a sense putting up another wall in your house between you and the noise. These can make such a considerable noise difference from all things around you from cars to noisy neighbors. There is of course a downfall to putting up a fence and that is cost. Depending on the size of your yard a fence can easily reach several thousand especially if you’re looking to build one that will last a really long time and looks beautiful. Never want to go cheap on a fence materials and installing it as you can regret it a year later when Winter has taken a hold of it. The other benefits though include more privacy and safety for the family. This with a combination of trees can really drown out the noise coming into the household and something everyone should look at. Just make sure its reasonable for you and call before you dig!


These are just two options to help further soundproof your house to keep the sound out and make it a more enjoyable place to live. Don’t forget to plan ahead and get multiple quotes on putting up a fence if you do decide to invest into one.