While looking into soundproofing a room you may want to investigate how the noise is coming in. In this quick tip we’ll go over a very common overlooked issue of holes and cracks. Not only can spending 30 minutes fixing these issues help reduce outside noise but also reduce heating and cooling costs.
Around windows look for cracks or various small holes that could either lead to the outside. Even the small crack could make a difference as it maybe much bigger further in where you can’t see it. Make sure that the window or windows close properly to create a tight seal. If you can feel air coming in see where and do what you can to stop it but if it’s really bad you may want to invest some money in some new windows.
If you are a handyman(or woman) and are able to easily take off/put back on the trim around your window you can do a further investigation. Some spare materials you may need is insulation and caulk. Builders tend to shim to make your windows level and also square. Now unless the builder decided to spend additional time covering everything that was going to be covered by the trim you may come across several gaps. Usually if the builder knows these gaps will be covered by the trim later so they will not bother trying to cover anything behind them. If however you find holes or cracks you can fill these gaps with some insulation and then cover it up with some caulk. If living in an older house check to make sure there is no rotten wood as this may degrade later if left alone.
Overall not only will doing this help eliminate noise but reduce heating and cooling costs. Remember that where there’s airflow sound has a much easier time entering your home.