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Methods of silencing sound in every day life

Sound is a constant in every day living. No matter where you go or where you stay, there is always sound. Some sound may be welcome, but more often than not there is always some kind of unwelcome noise in your dwelling. The good news is there are many different ways to soundproof your space which can drastically reduce all sorts of noises and sounds.

The first thing you need to do is make sure the area you wish to soundproof is not empty. Sound travels through vibrations, and an empty room means that sound is going to vibrate on every empty space (and eventually in to your ear.). Fill your space with furnishings, and welcome soft materials that will absorb the vibrations. Accent Pillows, blankets, even bean bag chairs and stuffed animals are all great options for absorbing vibrations. There is never too much of these as long as you don’t feel cluttered. Each item reduces more and more of unwanted noises bouncing from object to object. Carpets are also a great noise reducer, especially in situations where you live above someone else. Larger and thicker carpets are the best choice, but these can often be more expensive. If you don’t mind the idea of it, try to find one in a second-hand store. Your walls are the next focus of attention. Bookshelves or cabinets with books or knick knacks, posters, and even fabric art are great ways of reducing the amount of vibrations bouncing to and fro. Just remember to put these items firmly in place, as loose objects on a wall can cause more noise.

Last but not least, remember to seal as many edges to your living space as you can. If the noise you want to stop is coming from a window, draft door blockers on the edges of your windows, combined with thick curtains can reduce vibrations from even entering. The same draft door blockers are great for their original purpose as well, under your door and blocking out excess noise. If cancelling the noise does not work for you, finding an alternative, more welcomed noise can also be an option. It is a good idea to keep anything that can create white noise in mind, as this is a consistent frequency and vibration that can absorb and cancel out other noises. With all these options in mind, I believe anyone can soundproof their home with the right combination. If all else fails, however, there is the foolproof option of noise cancelling headphones. These are guaranteed to work, as long as you don’t mind them over your ears.

Quick Review of Chezmoi Collection’s – Black and White Micro Fur Curtain Set

When I look at these curtains I like the black and white color with the zebra print. I like that you can also tie back the sides if needed. I also like that the sides look thick, so you can hang them down and they should block out the sun well. It has a micro fur feeling to it and its a two piece curtain set that is imported. One is sheer and one is a normal curtain. It’s also machine washable, so that makes it easier to wash if needed. Each panel is 60-inch x 84-inch with a 18-inch valance drop.

Currently at a low low low price on Amazon right now!

Chezmoi Collection

Chezmoi Collection Black and White Micro Fur Zebra with Giraffe Design Window Curtain/Drape Set, with Sheer Backing

Quick Review of WPM’s – Luxury Dallas Jacquard Panel

What first drew me to this curtain was the design. It is very elegant. There is a short layer at the top of the curtain that is designed. It zigzags across the top of the curtain and in between the zigzags is a silky piece that hangs down in folds. The gold color adds to the elegant look of these curtains and I also like the double layers. The bottom layer is lighter than the top which accents the whole piece.

This is a 4 Piece Set for extremely low price, check it out below!

Jacquard Panel
Link to curtains: Luxury Dallas Jacquard Panel